Peek-A-Boo Acorns Game

$ 40.00

Whether it’s memory, curiosity, the imagination or pure pincer skills, this game opens the doors to a whole new level of developmental skills – all done through play.

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Big oaks from small acorns grow, and no other place is this more present than in the joy of watching a child’s physical and mental ability blossom.Of all the skills integral to holding a pencil, the pincer skill is the most pivotal. And this game helps develop it.

The Peek-A-Boo Rainbow Memory Acorns consist of 12 pots and 12 acorns that, when lifted from the pot, reveal a colour of the rainbow. Take a peek at the acorn’s bottom’s colour, drop the acorn back in its pot, and remember where it is so that you can find it when you uncover its matching mate. In a time when over stimulus from technology is as common as the air we breathe, this game unlocks the child’s ability to focus, concentrate, and most importantly, imagine.


Can rainbows and acorns lead to math?
You bet they can.

The stems on top of the acorns are tiny, and by lifting the acorns out of the cups little fingers will strengthen the pincer skill vital to holding a pencil in Kindergarten. Of all the skills integral to fine motor development, the pincer skill is the most pivotal. And this game helps develop it.

Your child can play alone, fostering deep concentration and a sense of self-satisfaction.
Your child can play with you or with someone else, encouraging connection and relationships.

The repetition and memory of this game lays the groundwork for storing, organizing and retrieving information later on. Matching is a form of sorting and is the first step to early math skills.

Studies have also revealed that memory games for preschoolers are important for increasing self-awareness, self-confidence, and communication skills.


Acorns symbolize potential, strength, and good luck. What your child can do with 12 acorns is limited only by his or her imagination. Perhaps the acorns are characters themselves in small world play. Perhaps they are food for squirrel or forest figurines, or magic acorns that grow mighty oaks in mere seconds, erupting a forest in your own living room. Sort them in the order of the rainbow and see if one appears, hide them in parts of your house for a colour hunt or a spontaneous game of Hot and Cold, or roll them on the floor to see which colour wobbles along the fastest. Can you spin them like tops? What time of year do acorns grow? What is different about this as a seed compared to other seeds? Roll them up in rainbow silks and pretend they’re gifts from the fairies, or use them to line an important forest path in your small world play.
The possibilities of sorting, playing, stacking, gathering are endless. I hope you’ll share how your little one plays with them.


While we encourage everyone to play with the acorns, because the acorns are small this game is not recommended for children under 3 or who still explore with their mouths. The bottoms of the acorns are painted in environmentally sensitive water-based paint.

The acorns are 1 3/8 x 1" and the cups are 1 5/8" tall. The stems of the acorns are deliberately small to encourage fine motor development. Large adult fingers may have problems pinching and lifting the stems, but you'll be surprised at how adept your child can be.

The game comes with 12 cups and 12 acorns. There are 2 of each colour: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.

Please note that the acorns do not come with the squirrel Calico Critters or the wooden mountains in the pictures. They are included to show the possibilities of imaginative play, and to provide a size reference.

WARNING: The base of the acorns is 7/8" and poses a HIGH choking hazard. They are not for children under 3 years old. Never leave your child unattended with this toy.


A note about wooden toys: Wood is a natural material and as such, has various unique markings. Variations in wood grain, color, knots, or texture are all natural occurrences in these hand-crafted wooden products. These unique variations and markings are proof of quality, not defects. Enjoy the markings that make your toy unique! you.

If you have any concerns or problems with any of our products, please do not hesitate to contact us. We want you to be entirely satisfied with what you have received and will do everything possible to make it right.

Materials: wood, non toxic watercolour paint, organic beeswax

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 27 × 19 × 6 cm


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